Tagged: eye health


20/20 Vision Explained

Some people are so proud of having 20/20 vision. They gloat; they cover their eye and read signs and small font from afar. But what does that actually mean? Though the term 20/20 is...


Fact or Fiction: Green Tea Benefits Your Eye Health

There’s no question that green tea (camellia sinesis) has many health benefits. Native to China, green tea has been linked to helping lower the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and even certain types...


Eye Trauma

Eye Injuries Occur Every Year. Many require that you visit the emergency room in order to help prevent loss of vision.  Proper protection for your eyes can also help prevent eye trauma.  There are...


Why do they dilate my eyes?

Many people see getting their eyes dilated as an annoying part of visiting the eye doctor.  Though it doesn’t cause pain, it can still affect your activities and the rest of your day.  An...