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What to Do If You Can’t See 3D Movies Well

My children hate 3D movies. At first, I thought it was just because they didn’t like the illusion that objects were headed right towards their nose. But, at my almost-five-year-old son’s last eye exam, I realized that maybe the problem is something broader. Perhaps it’s actually a problem with the ways their eyes are working together.

It’s called stereovision, which refers to the way your two eyes work together as one. And when your stereovision doesn’t work, viewing any type of 3D image – be it books, movies, or pictures – becomes difficult if not impossible.

Only about 12 percent of the population actually has problems with their stereovision. Another 5 percent will have problems that permanently impact their ability to see 3D. The problem is often treated in children when it is first discovered that their eyes may not be working in unison. Lazy eye, crossed eyes, and wandering eyes are all fairly obvious to spot and sure fire signs that the child’s stereovision is out of sync.

At the optometrist’s office, there is a test to evaluate your binocular vision. Often, this test includes staring at a chart where certain items appear to float off the screen. You wear special lenses to take this test, and then you identify to the optometrist which of the objects (often in a line) seems to stand out. There are actually ways to test your own binocular vision with games on the internet, but the test at your doctor’s office will be much more accurate.

If the doctor does find that there is a problem with your stereovision, he can sometimes recommend vision therapy to improve it. Often, this therapy happens in an optometrist’s office that specializes in visual training or vision therapy. During these therapy sessions, the doctor will work with the patient to do special exercises designed to encourage your eyes to change their habits and patterns and start working together.

Don’t wait if you think you or your child may have a problem with your stereovision or binocular vision. The sooner you get these problems diagnosed, the faster you can get in treatment to potentially correct all or some of the problems. Call your closest America’s Best to make an appointment with a licensed optometrist today.