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Vision Insurance is Good for a Company’s Bottom Line

Did you know that providing employees vision care benefits (including some provision for computer glasses) can help a company be more profitable?

If you own a company this should be especially interesting news for you. But, even if you aren’t the person in charge, this is information you’ll want to share with your boss!

A study was conducted at the University Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry where they researched the relationship between productivity and the vision of a person who works at a computer all day.  The study found that there is a direct correlation between a person’s vision and productivity.  This relationship was particularly important when they tested productivity in complex or repetitive tasks like data entry.  In other words, people who had had their eyes examined regularly and who (with or without vision correction) were able to see better — did better at computer related tasks.

The study also found that people with proper vision correction were able to complete computer related tasks faster.  The subjects in the study that did not have the proper vision correction (were wearing outdated glasses or had not had a recent eye exam) took much longer to do the same task as a person who was seeing clearly.

According to researchers, even users that weren’t aware of their vision problems still had a reduced rate of productivity.  In fact, their performance on specific tasks was reduced by as much as 20 percent.

Since more and more jobs require constant computer use, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and its related problems — ranging from headaches to shoulder and neck pain, to dry and tired eyes – is also hurting productivity!  The American Optometric Association reports that 10 million eye exams per year in the United States are initiated because of computer use.

If your company doesn’t currently provide vision coverage, increased productivity may be an incentive for them to consider it.  Or, here’s another.  The study also showed that with proper vision correction but an employee’s attention to detail can also increase.  Fewer errors saves everyone time (and accordingly money) in the long run.

Offering vision insurance could help your company’s bottom line by incentivizing employees to keep their vision at its peak!  If vision insurance is already a part of your employee benefits package then companies would do well to encourage and motivate their employees to use their vision benefits package and get their eyes examined regularly.  Even if you don’t have insurance, America’s Best can help you save money with our amazing two pair deals. Contact your closest America’s Best about scheduling eye exams for your employees!