My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Sunscreen and Eyeglasses

The season is changing, warm weather is here and everyone wants some of this heat. But before you go out, remember to protect your skin with sunscreen and protect your eyes with the proper pair of UV protection sunglasses.

However, did you know that sunscreen can damage the UV coating on your glasses?

Sunscreen contains chemicals and particles that may not be course enough to be harmful to your body, but are course enough to strip the UV protection from your eyeglasses.

Any kind of coating on your eyeglasses is sensitive and susceptible to chemicals – which is why when you purchase you eyeglasses, you often have to follow certain steps.

The 5 Steps to Cleaning Your Eyeglasses

1)      Wash your hands

It may seem like a trivial step, but the last thing you want to do is transfer dirt and grime from your hands to your lenses as you try to clean them. So, with mild soap and warm water get your hands spick and span.

2)      Run your eyeglasses under warm water

This will remove all loose dirt and debris from your lenses and keep you from rubbing them in and causing damage to your coating or your lens.

3)      Wipe your lenses

Use only the lens or microfiber cloth that came with your eyeglasses or from your local America’s Best store to wipe your lenses dry and clean on both sides of each lens. Never use paper towels, hand towels, or even your shirttail to wipe your lenses. Any kind of course material can easily scratch your lens and affect the longevity of your eyeglasses.

4)      Spray your lenses with the right stuff

To clean stubborn marks on your eyeglasses, use only the cleaning solution given to you by your optometrist or vision center. This solution should be safe and gentle for lenses with any kind of coating and rub it off with only a lens cloth or microfiber cloth.

5)      Store you glasses properly

When you’re not wearing your eyeglasses, keep them away in a hard case that will protect them from scratches or abrasions. You also decrease the amount of times you have to clean your eyeglasses by storing them away.

For more tips on how to take care of your eyeglasses, come visit your local America’s Best store today.