My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Better Than Flowers: These Mother’s Day Frames Will Make Mom Shine

Flowers, earrings, another scarf she won’t wear? Why not give mom the one accessory everyone will notice – the gift of glamorous new glasses? 

Sure, it may be hard to choose just the right frame without her along. So surprise her with a trip to America’s Best and let her choose her own perfect pairs.

Yes, I said pairs! You’ll be well on your way to earning the son or daughter of the year award after this Mother’s Day gift. Why make mom choose between her two favorites? Just let her get them both. At America’s Best, this double gift option will cost you less than a week’s worth of flavored lattes!

And moms, you don’t have to let bad gifts happen! Take matters into your own hands and tell the kids that what you need more than another spa gift card! Ask them to take you to an America’s Best instead, so you can choose your favorite frames! 

While you’re there, check out a few of mine. These brand new, beautifully designed, feminine fashion eyeglass frames are sure to make even the pickiest mom smile.

Seven for All Mankind 794

If your mom likes to stay on trend and has an appreciation for the finer things in life, she’ll love this gorgeous tortoise shell frame from Seven for All Mankind.

The milky tort color looks great on many different complexions. This frame is sure to make mom look smart, stylish and confident. A good friend just purchased this frame and it looks fantastic!

Seven for All Mankind 791

Does mom wear her glasses all day and long for a look that is both fashionable and comfortable? Then look at this classy frame. You can go bold and black, with some turquoise trim accents, or choose the spunky tortoise purple look. Either way, this frame is thin and made for all day comfort. Mom will feel so good in this frame she may just raise your allowance.

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Does your mom love to make a statement? Then she just may adore this bright and bold look from Seven for All Mankind. With a fiery personality, she’ll be drawn to the red dark tortoise color. If she’s more calm, cool, and collected—the turquoise and brown tortoise will bring a smile to her face. If mom rocks a hipster look or prefers to keep things simple and classic, the all black version of this rectangular shaped frame may be right up her alley.

Bring a mom you love into America’s Best this Mother’s Day and find her perfect frame.