My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Mini Spada Glasses for Your Kid with Extra Spunk

For some parents, learning that their kid needs glasses can be tough. Sometimes it’s tough to find frames that can make your child feel confident and fashionable. And for other parents, the challenge is finding frames that will live up to the personality and expectations of their little one!

Either way, America’s Best can help. Not only do we have a wide selection of kids’ frames (and a free upgrade for kids, to boot), but we also have some of the most stylish frames for kids around! Our Mini Spada frames are the perfect choice for your little one who has a little extra spunk and needs some specs to match. They come in so many different colors that your kid will feel like she’s hit the glasses jackpot. And at 2 for $104.95 including a free eye exam, your wallet won’t feel too shabby, either.

Click the image below to explore various styles and book your child’s eye exam today. You can even let her try them on with our virtual try-on feature.