My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Kids with Glasses Seen as “More Honest” by Other Kids

Source: Flickr Credit: SnowKissesSky

Honestly, glasses make a difference. A good difference.

A recent study conducted by Ohio State’s College of Optometry and published in the Science Daily finds that children consider kids wearing glasses to look more honest than those that don’t.

It’s tough being a kid and as adults we sometimes forget that. Kids, while trying to develop as individuals, feel a lot of pressure to fit in and be recognized as being “cool.” And for a lot of kids, that acceptance equates to the way they appear.

Kids Perceive Kids With Glasses as Honest

Most children when first getting glasses are hesitant about how they will look and in what manner they’ll be received by other children. But if you offer children the research that proves their peers are more likely to consider them smarter and more honest, well, it may take away some of their apprehension – if they have any – about wearing eyeglasses.

Honestly speaking, I wish someone had told me that as a kid.

The survey, consisting of children between the ages of 6 and 10 were given a variety of photographs of children their age. 57 percent of those surveyed said that in their opinion the kids with glasses seemed more honest and smarter than their non-spectacled competition.

The study also indicated that question of attractiveness rested with each individual child. In other words, children don’t automatically deem children with glasses as being “ugly” or unattractive.

So, let your kids rest assured that it’s scientifically determined their “cool” factor is not adversely affected by their glasses. So, bring them to America’s Best and let them choose the coolest brands and the looks they love, and let them fearlessly express who they are.