My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

How to Keep Your Vision 20/20 in the Screen Age

It’s no secret that we all spend too much time looking at screens. Even when I’m aware of how much I’m staring at my phone, and I try to cut back, I still find myself grabbing for it and scrolling compulsively in each of life’s slower moments.

It wasn’t that long ago that staring at a screen that small to access the web, email, or movies and TV shows, sounded like science fiction. Now that it’s our reality, I wonder: Do we have any idea what this will do to our eyesight?

We may be starting to find out. Rates of near-sightedness are increasing. But, it doesn’t have to be your destiny. There are some things you can do to protect your vision if you spend a lot of time staring at screens. Most of these solutions are simple,

First, ask your optometrist about getting special “screen” glasses. These are reading glasses but designed with staring at a screen in mind. If you already have a prescription, then your doctor may recommend moving to bifocals or progressive lenses that include a special reading, or screen, prescription as well. Or, if you wear contact lenses, your America’s Best doctor can easily prescribe you a pair of glasses to wear over those lenses just when you are doing computer or close up screen work.

Next, even if you get new screen glasses, you’ll want to put into practice the 20-20 rule. The 20-20 rule is the best way to keep your eyes from getting over-tired. Eyestrain is serious business and can really drag you down. It not only makes your eyes feel heavy, but it can also make them feel dry and make you feel sluggish all over. Sometimes, headaches, stiff neck, or other soreness can go along with this eyestrain too, making you feel really bad. Everywhere.

So, use the 20-20 rule. Here’s how you do it:

First, set your phone alarm or some other alert to remind you every 20 minutes to take a break. Trust me, unless you set a reminder, that 20 minutes will fly by and an hour later you’ll realize you missed three breaks, not just one!

At the twenty minute alert, look up from your screen. Try to focus your vision on something far away. If you have a window you can look out, this is ideal.

Next, count to twenty. Don’t just glance out and look back at your screen. Give those eyes a nice long break. Stand up and take a deep breath while you are at it.

And, repeat.

No matter what your screen interactions, keep your eyes healthy with the 20/20 rule. Ask your America’s Best optometrist if you need more information on how screens are affecting your vision.