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How to Care For Your Eyeglasses

Caring For Your Eyeglasses

Properly caring for your eyeglass lenses can extend their life and save you money.  Here are some things you should (and should not) do in order to properly care for your eyeglass lenses.  These tips will help you keep your lenses looking new and lasting longer.

Tips For Your Eyeglasses

• Rinse your lenses off with water before wiping or cleaning them.  Even tiny particles of dust or dirt can be abrasive when they go across the surface of the lens.

• Use a spray or cleanser specifically made for eyeglass lenses. If you want a more inexpensive option, then use soap and warm water.

• Always use a soft, clean, lint-free cloth to clean your eyeglass lens.  100% cotton fabric is best for cleaning eyeglass lenses.

• Store your eyeglasses in a case when you are not wearing them. This not only keeps dust and particles away from the eyeglasses, but it keeps them from accidentally being crushed or broken.

• If you don’t have to wear the glasses right away, let them air dry. This will keep any materials off the lens.

Things To Avoid with Eyeglasses

• You shouldn’t use paper products such as napkins, paper towels or tissues to clean your eyeglass lens.  These things can scratch the lenses, which mean you’ll have to replace them sooner.

• Don’t clean your glasses with clothing, like the bottom or tail of your shirt.  First, if it is not 100% cotton, the fibers in the fabric will scratch the lens of your eyeglasses over time.  Also, the clothing can have dirt on it, which means the residue ends up on your lens.

• Never use chemicals or cleaners such as Windex to clean your eyeglass lenses.   Many of these have ammonia, which means it tears off the coating on the lens.

• Don’t lay your eyeglasses face down.  If you keep the lenses facing up, it keeps them from coming into contact with something that can scratch them.

• Be careful not to bend your frames when you are cleaning your eyeglass lenses.  This will affect the comfort of them and you may be forced to get a new pair if they don’t properly fit anymore.

• You shouldn’t store your glasses in extreme heat or cold.  This is more an issue for the frames, but it will no doubt affect the life of your glasses.

These tips can help you save money on eyeglasses by keeping them clean and scratch-free so that you have to replace them less often.  If you wear contacts, too, you can also check out our tips for caring for contact lenses.