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Matching Eyebrow Shape to Your Glasses

If you follow the latest trends in eyeglasses, you may have noticed that everything bigger is better! Glasses lens sizes have expanded and some newer styles extend into face territory that only sunglasses ever dared enter in seasons past. Conventional wisdom says to match the top of your eyeglass frame to your brow line and eyebrow shape, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes those really cute frames with an almost straight edge along the top look fantastic. How many people have you seen that have straight-line eyebrows?

If you are choosing a semi-rimless eyeglass frame, then you will probably want to do your best to match that brow line.

Find a pair that can rest right on or close to at your brow line so you don’t have the appearance of double eyebrows. The thicker the frame, the more important this rule becomes.

If you’re wearing a very thick eyeglass frame, consider a moderate and more natural eyebrow shape and size.

Thick frames and really thick glasses could give you too much of a Groucho Marx look. On the other hand, thick frames with a very thin brow line may make it seem like you have no brows at all.

There’s an old rule that says you should never have a pair of glasses where you can see your eyebrows through the lenses (this applies to eyeglasses, NOT to sunglasses). If you’re going to break that rule and choose an over-sized frame, make sure your eyebrows are groomed and well taken care of. Bushy brows won’t look good underneath that lens and will detract attention away from your eyes.

On another note, nicely shaped (on the thinner side) and sleek brows can work really well under a high fashion frame that matches your face shape.

In all cases, remember that glasses do draw attention to your eyes, so be sure to take a look at your brows before you walk out the door. If you aren’t into heavy-duty brow maintenance like waxing or threading, you can do good clean-up work with a small pair of scissors and some tweezers. Getting rid of strays or even penciling in spots that are too light or thin can also help improve your brow look.

The best rule of thumb is to experiment! If you get new frames and feel like something’s not working quite right, consider subtly playing with the shape of your brows!