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Eye Trauma

Eye Injuries Occur Every Year.

Many require that you visit the emergency room in order to help prevent loss of vision.  Proper protection for your eyes can also help prevent eye trauma.  There are several types of trauma that can occur:

Damage or Injury to The Eyelids

–       The eyelids protect and keep the eyes moist.  With an injury, the eyelid cannot properly function and thus injury to the eyelid can cause dry eyes or infection.

–       A black eye happens when blood collects beneath the loose skin of the eyelid.

–       Tear ducts leading can experience damage when eyelid trauma occurs.  To regain eyelid function and proper drainage for tears, surgery may be necessary.

Corneal Abrasion

A scrape on the outer surface of the eye is a corneal abrasion.  It is a common eye trauma.  Abrasions or scrapes can occur when:

–       Something scratches the outside surface of the eye (i.e. fingernail, paper or even a contact lens)

–       Some airborne particle strikes the eyes (commonly occurs around the use of tools or heavy machinery)

These are usually very painful.  Sometimes it can mean a particle is stuck in the eye.  If so, immediate medical care allows the item to be removed and lets your doctor check for infection.  Antibiotics may be prescribed to protect against further infection.  You’ll also want to have a pair of backup eyeglasses on hand if you wear contact lenses so that your eye injury can properly heal.

Chemical Burn

Though less common, a chemical burn is very serious.  Damage varies depending on the chemical involved with the eye.  Hairspray can cause minor or temporary damage, but acids can cause severe damage and even lead to permanent vision loss.  An acid burn can occur when a car battery explodes.  If you experience a chemical burn, flush the eye repeatedly for about ten minutes and then seek immediate medical attention.

Blunt Trauma

Blunt trauma occurs when the eye is struck with something such as a hand, baseball, tennis ball, or another solid object.  It can cause damage to the retina.

Penetrating Trauma

This is an injury where the eye is pierced by a sharp object such as a knife or by something moving very quickly like a scrap of metal coming from a drill or saw.

Protective eye wear should be worn when using machinery or tools and during sports in order to protect the eyes from injury.  Make sure to visit an emergency room or see your doctor immediately if you experience any eye trauma.

photo credit: Julien Haler