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End of School Eye Exams: One Appointment Not to Miss

School is almost out for the summer and as a parent you have your hands full. In addition to getting them enough sleep and trying to keep them eating healthy, you’ve also got to make sure they get exercise and take them to the doctor once a year just to check on their progress.

Those sweet little eyes need to be looked after, too. Just because they don’t have to be brushed every night or shampooed four times a week, doesn’t mean they don’t need a spot on your to do list. As the school year comes to an end, there is one more task that you should prioritize for the sake of your children’s eye health: an end of the school year eye exam.

There are many great reasons why spring and early summer are a great time to get your child’s eyes checked. Here are just a few:

Discover Eye Changes Before Summer Begins

The end of the school year is a great time to make sure those eyes are still working like they were at the beginning of the year. If your child already wears glasses but their vision has changed, then getting new glasses before the summer break will set them up fabulously to adjust to the new prescription as they complete their summer reading lists.

Beat the Rush

You will have so much to do at the end of the summer. It’s just always the way. Physicals, school supply lists and shopping for new school clothes will keep you busy enough. Start a new routine by getting your child’s eyes checked at the end of every school year and save yourself some time (and avoid the crowds!) in August.

Head for the Shades

Did you know that one of the best things you can do to protect your child’s eye health is to make sure they are wearing ophthalmic quality sunglasses now?

That’s right, the sun’s harmful UV rays start taking a toll on those little eyes when they swim at the pool or ride bikes around the neighborhood, so choosing a pair of sunglasses to go with your child’s regular prescription or reading/screen glasses is a great thing to do before summer hits full swing.

Call your closest America’s Best location or click here to set up an appointment for your child before summer begins!