My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Do These Little Eyes Need Glasses?

I have four children.  Four little sets of eyes that are entrusted into my care.  Because I made it through childhood without corrective lenses and my husband is still fortunate enough not to need glasses, I’m hoping they’ll maintain naturally good vision for at least a few more years.  But, I also know that the amount of time all children (mine included) spend looking at screens has significantly increased from when I was a kid.  And, excessive screen time (or too much time staring at anything close range) is a contributor to myopia (or nearsightedness).

So, what do you look for? How do you know if your child needs to visit an eye doctor?

Well here are three “C’s” to help you consider whether or not your child may need corrective lenses.

Are They Complaining?

If your children are anything like mine, they usually let you know if something is wrong.  Are they squinting, complaining that their head hurts, or fussing that they can’t see the TV?  Are they covering one eye or saying that their eyes hurt?  These could all be signs that they are straining to see and may need to take a trip to the eye doctor right away!

Are They Contributing?

If your child is school age, ask his or her teacher if your child participates when lessons or questions require them to read the blackboard.  Or, try this simpler test for kids of all ages, play a road travel game on your next car trip.  Ask your children to identify letters on signs and billboards.  If they struggle or don’t seem to find the letters until you are much closer to the signs, this could be a sign that their distance vision is suffering.

Are They Too Close?

Very young children (ages 2 or 3) may sit close to the television or hold a book too close for no reason at all. But, older children should be encouraged to sit further away from the TV (a distance of about 3x the screen’s size) and hold a book about 10 inches away from their face. If your child complains that he can’t read the words that far away or see the screen if he sits too far back, then getting his vision tested is probably something you don’t want to wait on.

If your child does need glasses, don’t despair. There are many cute and durable options in children’s eyeglasses out right now.  Stop by your local America’s Best retailer to find the perfect pair today!