My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

When Should You Wear Contacts Instead of Glasses?

Eyeglasses can be the perfect accessories to top off your look. Just like a statement necklace, a great pair of earrings or a gorgeous handbag, glasses can add that last bit of pop to your well-coordinated fashion look. There are times though when it’s probably best for you to choose contacts instead of glasses.

If you have a great eyeglass wardrobe with many pairs of different looks, styles and colors, then you may never have to opt to wear contact lenses just for fashion’s sake. If you typically stick to one pair of eyeglasses, you may find yourself in situations where contact lenses will serve you better.

Here are three situations where you may want to wear contacts instead of glasses:

You’ve got a lot going on around your face with other accessories.

If you have a headband or scarf on your head, bold earrings or a big necklace on, you may want to wear your contact lenses. By minimizing the number of accessories on or around your face, you can create a focal point in your outfit and not distract with eyeglasses. If the thought of not wearing your fashion glasses makes your face feel naked, consider removing one of your accessories to add back in your frames.

You’re playing a sport and don’t have sports glasses or goggles.

If you’re playing sports, contacts will probably be a safer and more convenient eyewear choice. Whether you’re headed to a game of softball or tennis or going to the gym, consider wearing contact lenses. It won’t matter how cute your glasses will look with your tennis skirt or workout outfit, a fly ball or other mishap could seriously damage your designer prescription glasses. There are stylish glasses designed to wear while playing sports, but it’s probably easiest for you to pop in a pair of lenses before you head out to exercise.

You’ll be outside all day and want to wear your fashion sunglasses.

Plan your look around your favorite pair of sunglasses if you have an outdoors day. You could bring your prescription eyeglasses along, or even prescription sunglasses, but switching back and forth between the two frames will likely be a pain while outside. Wear your contacts instead of glasses so your designer sunglasses can be the star of your ensemble. Your day will be much less complicated and you can simply slide your sunglasses onto your head when you pop in a store or restaurant.

Don’t have a pair of contact lenses that you love? Ask your America’s Best retailer about trying on some comfortable contact lenses and ordering a few pairs to have on-hand for situations like these!