My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

My New Favorite Frame: Commotion Bold

Is your goal for the year to be a little bolder? A little braver? Less afraid of making a fashion statement?

Then let me introduce you to my new favorite frame. It’s by Commotion and it’s called “Bold” because, well, that’s exactly what it is. It shouts, “I have style, and I want you to know about it!”

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Why am I drawn to this amazing fashion eyeglass frame? Well, it’s mostly because of the dynamic color combination. It comes in three different colors but the one I love is the tortoise and red blend. The red is bright and fairly close to one of the hottest pantone colors of the season: ketchup red! I’ve been trying to find a way to get more of this great, traffic-stopping (literally) color into my wardrobe. This is an easy and fun way!

This fashion frame has a rectangular-shaped eye that looks great on most faces and, accordingly, doesn’t overpower the wearer. So, while it may scream, “Look over here!” It does so in a way that compliments the wearer rather than competes with her.

If you aren’t into the red and brown combination, then you can pick two other great color looks in this same bright and bold designer frame. If purple is your color, then you’ll love the purple version of Commotion’s Bold. Or, if you look better in warmer tones, then check out the black and red combination.

Another great feature of this new favorite frame of mine: the weight. Let’s get real. Some glasses just aren’t comfortable to wear. They are so heavy and just plain cumbersome. But, not this pair of trendy glasses. I love how light they are and how I barely notice that I am wearing glasses when I have them on.

The best news though, when it comes to Commotion Bold, is the price. At America’s Best, this frame is only $59.95 with single vision lenses in it! That’s all. And, if you have another frame you like or just want two different color options in this same great frame, then you can add another pair for just $10 more. That’s an unbeatable price!

Click here to check out my new favorite frame and try it on virtually!