My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Color Rules For Kids!

When my children and I go shopping together there’s always a common theme. No matter what the item — be it a new car or school clothes — my kids choose what they like based on the color.  Nothing else matters!  If they are given the choice between a high-end luxury item in the wrong color or a cheaper, poor quality item in the right color.  The latter always wins!

Apparently, the same rule applies for picking out eyeglasses!  According to a recent study, (no big surprise here), children pick out their favorite pair of glasses based on…the color!

But, what all parents know, and are concerned about, isn’t necessarily whether or not the eyeglass frame is pink or blue or has a cute little flower on the temples. No. Parents want to know whether or not the frames will last.  We want to know if there is a warranty that will help provide a little peace of mind that the advertised quality is guaranteed.  We want to know that the frames will be comfortable enough for our little ones to wear without complaint!  And, we want to find frames that are affordable!  (School supplies are expensive enough…)

I’ve found a few frames that I think meet this criteria from America’s Best’s online glasses catalog.  Here are my favorite, super colorful, yet great quality, affordable eyeglass frames for girls and boys!

Boys Love Blue

Have a little slugger who insists on all things blue?  Check out this durable frame from Little League brand.  Cute, comfortable, and cost-friendly!

Pink for a Princess

I {heart} this frame for little girls.  The peppy pink color will grab her attention and the hearts on the temples will win her affection.  But, what moms and dads will fall in love with is the low, low price and the manufacturer’s warranty.

For Mr. Serious

How about this miniature version of a hip adult eyeglass frame favorite for your serious(ly) (cute) little guy?  The black and green combination may grab his attention if he wants to look like Clark Kent, his favorite teacher, or maybe even dad.  This frame has a seriously great price tag too!

Pretty in Purple

If she thinks pink was “soooo first grade,” then why not show her this slightly more mature, yet still girly, purple frame from Wild Child.  It’s got a bit of a fun animal print pattern on the temple but the durability and comfort of this lightweight frame will keep budget conscious moms tame!

Check out the full selection of great quality, durable, quality and affordable children’s eyeglass frames by clicking here!