My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Better Vision May Mean Better Thinking for the Elderly

One in eight older Americans is reported to have Alzheimer’s disease with many others suffering from some form or stage of dementia.  For this reason, preserving cognitive function is a hot topic on most every aging person’s radar.

Most of us know that nutrition and healthy habits play an important role in staying sharp and keeping our minds healthy.  Some experts encourage older people to keep their brains engaged through doing crossword puzzles, Soduku, or regular reading as well.

But, did you know that having the right glasses prescription could be an important factor in keeping your mind sharp?

According to a 2012 study of elderly Chinese people, not seeing things clearly can lead to lower cognitive function levels.  This includes memory, the ability to understand concepts, and the ability to perceive things. Someone categorized with lower cognitive function may have a more difficult time making good decisions and caring for themselves, thus making it more difficult for them to live or function independently.

The study, called the Beijing Eye Study, included 3,127 participants all of whom had received eye and medical examinations and had their cognitive function tested.  After the researchers controlled for factors such as older age, lower education levels, gender and occupation, they still found that those whose eyesight had been under-corrected (including those who did not wear glasses as prescribed) had a significantly lower cognitive function score than those who could see clearly.

The results of the study seem to make a lot of sense.  When you can’t see things clearly you are, in a sense, handicapping yourself in your ability to remember your environment.   Other studies show that the more you can engage all of your senses: your sense of smell, taste, touch, hearing, and seeing the more likely you are to remember what it is you are learning or experiencing.

For older people who are struggling to stay sharp mentality, it seems that the ability to see well and help the brain continue to learn through that sense of sight would be of the utmost importance.

Are you or do you know an elderly person fighting to keep their brain functioning at its best? Encourage them to get an eye exam and make sure that their eyeglass prescription is current.  Remind them that good vision is connected to good brain function.  An optometrist at your closest America’s Best can help make sure that they are wearing the right lenses and seeing clearly so they can continue to think more clearly!