My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Choose the Best Eyeglass Case for YOU!

You’ve picked out a great new pair of eyeglasses, and now you have to decide which eyeglass case is best for you. If you purchased a designer frame, several brands include a case that often feature their logo or match the feel of the glasses. For example, a Vera Bradley eyeglass case will have a signature pattern on it somewhere! This may sound like a silly decision to some, but it can really affect how long your glasses will remain adjusted and protected. Below are the three different case styles:

The Hard Eyeglass Case

These cases often have a hinge and open like a clam shell. They tend to be a little larger side, with a firm, hard shell. The greatest advantage of a hard case is that you should have ZERO worries about the safety of your glasses when they’re tucked inside one of these. There’s no better protection for your lenses or your frames. If you plan to keep your glasses in a place where they will be jostled often or have purchased glasses for a child, a hard eyeglass case if your best bet.

The Soft Eyeglass Case

These cases have a less firm exterior compared to hard cases and are usually made from very pliable materials. A soft case is a great choice if you’re planning on storing your glasses in a desk, nightstand, pocket or glove compartment. They have less of a risk of intense handling or exposure, and the case will protect your lenses from getting scratched. Many soft cases are also made out of microfiber material and can also be used to CLEAN your glasses, as well as store them. Soft cases are a better choice if you have a sturdy pair of frames, made out of a thick metal or plastic. If your eyeglass frame is more bendable, a sturdier case will be a better choice. Soft cases are NOT suitable for holding glasses in a purse or suitcase.

The Semi-Hard Eyeglass Case

These cases more closely resemble hard cases, but are usually less bulky. The semi-hard case has both a firm interior to protect the glasses, with a more flexible exterior material. Many have a zip opening, and there are even some leather cases that fit into this category.

America’s Best includes a free eyeglass case when you purchase glasses, but be sure to ask your optician if you should upgrade to another case type.