My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

Why Should I Get My Baby’s Eyes Checked?

Dear America’s Best,

I’ve read that I should have my baby’s eyes checked. I don’t understand why I should schedule an exam for her. I also don’t see how an exam for an infant would work. Could you explain why this is important? How will someone examine my baby, who can’t speak or read?

Amanda in Delaware

Dear Amanda,

It’s important that your baby get her eyes checked for one reason, and one reason alone: the future of her vision! That’s a pretty important reason!

Infants around six months of age can develop eye conditions like strabismus (cross eyed) or amblyopia (lazy eye). Many babies can look like they have crossed eyes or eye coordination issues before they’re six months old. Your optometrist can offer a qualified opinion on how well your baby’s eyes are working together between six months of age and a year. An optometrist can identify signs of eye disease or muscle coordination problems.

Babies that begin treatment for these types of issues around age one have the best chance at full recovery. The chances of fully recovering less if these eye coordination problems aren’t diagnosed until age three or later. Early detection and treatment is absolutely vital. The American Academy of Pediatrics doesn’t recommend a typical eye exam until three years of age. If you suspect your baby is developing some type of eye issue, seek out a professional’s help! If you wait until age three, it may be too late to fix some of the most problematic eye issues.

You also asked, ‘How does a baby eye examination work?’ It’s not as difficult as it sounds. Most parents hold the infant in their lap as the optometrist tests the baby’s visual coordination. Sometimes doctors hold an object (maybe even a toy you bring from home) and see how your baby tracks its motion. Your optometrist will also use the light and microscope to look into your baby’s eyes and examine her eye health. Note: not all optometrists make appointments with children under 3. Call ahead and ask about doctors’ policies before bringing your child in for an exam.

The benefits of an eye exam are invaluable, so don’t wait and get a complete eye exam for your little girl today!