My Best Eyeglasses | America's Best

5 Bizarre Facts About Your Eyeballs

You know that old cliché:  There’s more than meets the eye?

Well, that applies to the actual eye, itself!

Sure, most of us know the basic facts–like our eye color or the shape of the socket that our eyes are set into (almond or round shaped)–but there’s a lot more to our eyeballs and what they do to help us see each day than just that.

In fact, once you start investigating all of the unique attributes and quirky characteristic of those two round shaped objects sitting above our cheeks, you will be amazed at just how interesting your peepers can be!

Here are five little known facts about your eyes!

1.  Each eyeball weighs .25 ounce and is about 1 inch across.  That’s slightly heavier than the weight of a quarter.  In other words, if the number on the scale isn’t suitable, you can’t blame it on your eyes.  They’re some of the lightest organs in your body.

2.  The muscles that work your eyes are the busiest muscles in your body.  No time for your cardio workout today? Don’t worry, your eye muscles have likely been working out all day long!  And, much like a strenuous day at the gym, your eyes will tire and feel “worn out” after a full day of staring at a computer screen or reading books.

3.  Your eyes heal freakishly fast.  Your eyes do a great job at healing themselves.  With the right care, even a more severe eye problem — like a corneal abrasion–will heal in about 48 hours. Compared to a scratch on your skin, the eyeball can heal itself quickly because it has a layer of living cells on the outside–whereas that scratch on your knee is a scratch on that top of likely dead skin cells.

4.  Your eyes don’t need to be warmed up.  Many of the muscles in your body may perform better after they’ve had a few minutes to get warm, but not your eyes.  No, they are ready to function at peak performance every minute of every hour of every day!  (No wonder our eyes get tired!)

5.  Seeing involves one-half of your brain.  From collecting the images to analyzing what it is that you see, vision is a complicated process that requires more brain cells than you’d ever guess!

Chances are the licensed optometrist at your closest America’s Best store knows even more interesting –if not bizarre–facts about the human eye! Make an appointment for your eye exam this week.