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4 Weird Things That Happen To Your Eyes When You Are Pregnant

I’ve had four children…four pregnancies, each trademarked by their own set of weird cravings, symptoms and, well, eye problems! Though it’s been a few years since I’ve been in a with-child state, I went to a baby shower today and was reminded of all of the bonus challenges of pregnancy when my ready-to-pop friend said her eyes felt weird.

If you are pregnant and experiencing changes in your eyesight–know that you aren’t alone! Here are four weird things that happen to your eyes when you are expecting a baby.

1. Your Eyes Get Dry:

Pregnancy hormones reek havoc on every part of your body, including your tear ducts. In fact, though you may find yourself crying often, when you are pregnant you produce less tears. This can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable. You’ll want to invest in some good lubricating eye drops and carry them with you for comfort.

2. You May See Floaters:

Floaters are weird spots that come across your field of vision. If they go away within a short amount of time (an hour or two) then you are probably just fine. But, if they don’t budge or are significantly impacting your vision you should call your doctor right away. Sometimes floaters can also be signs of pregnancy complications like preeclampsia.

3. You May Have Blurry Vision:

This happened to me during my first pregnancy. In fact, during my routine eye exam my eyes had each changed a their prescription by a notch. But, my doctor reassured me that they would probably change back after a few months post-delivery and they did. If your vision is so blurred that it is interfering with normal activities such as reading, driving, or working, then see your optometrist and talk to him or her about whether or not your vision has actually changed or if this could just be a symptom of pregnancy.

4. You May Not Be Able To Wear Contacts:

I figured my contacts weren’t comfortable anymore because my eyes were dry. But, during my last two pregnancies, no amount of eye drops could make my contacts feel normal. The problem: my cornea’s shape had changed. Apparently, it’s another “normal” part of pregnancy. I’m happy to say that they started fitting correctly again almost immediately after I gave birth. But, I’ll also say that I was glad I had a great pair of designer fashion eyeglass frames to wear for the months that my lenses just wouldn’t cooperate.

If you are experiencing changes in your eyes that you think may be due to pregnancy, it’s always a great idea to tell your doctor or your closest licensed doctor of optometry at an America’s Best near you.