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4 Ways To Hide Puffy Eyes!

Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked in the mirror, and wondered where your eyes went? 

Some call them puffy eyes. Some call them “bags” under the eyes.  Whatever you want to call it, all I know is it’s not a look I like.

Eye puffiness is technically called periorbital swelling.  It can be caused by allergies, poor diet (especially too much salt or sugar), excessive alcohol, or lack of sleep.  Eye puffiness can also be one way to tell that your body is retaining extra fluid.

If you want to try to minimize the size of those bags under your eyes, there are several things you can do.  But, most experts agree that these are your four best options when you wake up in the morning with eyes that seem shrunken.

 Drink more water.

When you wake up with the puff — try to drink lots of water during the day to flush out your system and encourage your body to let go of some of the fluid it is retaining.  Though caffeine is a diuretic, it also dehydrates you. So, if you must drink another beverage to help get your system flowing, choose something like cranberry juice. Remember alcohol is also a beverage you may want to avoid while trying to get rid of the puffy look.

Get more sleep.

A lot of people are just tired. They aren’t resting well and it’s showing up in their face.  Experts suggest sleeping on your back or sides if you find you consistently retain fluid in the bags under your eyes (stomach sleepers tend to have fluids pool in their face over night).  Elevating your head while you sleep can also help.

Try Something Cold.

If you are desperate to get rid of the puff fast, try putting something cold (like frozen spoons, cold cucumbers or even ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel, etc…) directly on your eyes.  It will minimize some of the swelling in minutes.

Get great glasses.

Nothing hides eye bags better than a great pair of designer glasses.  Whether or not you actually need glasses to see, everyone should have a pair or two of stylish eyeglasses on hand for mornings when your eyes need more help than concealer can provide.  Here are two of my absolute favorite pairs of eyeglasses that will hide those eye bags without wreaking havoc on your budget.  Check out the other great and affordable frames at your closest America’s Best retailer or online here.