Ask an Optometrist


Why shouldn’t I wear someone else’s glasses if I can see clearly out of them?


Eyeglasses prescription is highly individualized and unique, although in some rare instances, one’s prescription can identically match another’s.  If the differences are minimal, one can accommodate through the incorrect prescription and gain a subjective perception of clarity.

However, this can eventually lead to asthenoptic symptoms including visual fatigue, eyestrain, tearing and headache depending on the length of time other’s prescription is worn.  It can also lead to unnecessary overcorrection of one’s prescription once the brain becomes adjusted to other’s eyeglasses prescription.

The recommended prescription is the least amount of prescription that achieves the maximum clarity of vision in order to provide the visual comfort.  Without a proper determination of the individual’s correct prescription through a comprehensive eye examination, a subjective perception of clarity through someone else’s glasses does not ascertain the individual’s own optimal preservation of vision and ocular health.


-Dr. Grace Kim


Grace M. Kim, O.D.

Clinical Advisor Panel Chair for America’s Best Contacts & Eyeglasses

Optometrist Grace Kim

Dr. Kim received her Doctorate from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Prior to entering optometry school, she worked as a research biologist at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She was involved in electron microscopy, ultramicrotomy and immunocytochemistry, in which fields she received acknowledgements and co-authored presentations, abstracts, and articles which were published in the Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. Following graduation, Dr. Kim joined National Vision’s America’s Best Contacts and Eyeglasses. Since 2007, Dr. Kim served as Chairperson on Clinical Advisory Panel. She is also a Doctor Mentor in which position she trains newly hired doctors and assist in conducting performance reviews on the Peer Review Committee. 

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2 Responses

  1. Cindy Snell says:

    I have worn bi and now tri-focal glasses for approximately 25 years or longer.
    Everything is a complete blur without my glasses.
    I can’t read without them or use computer.
    I have 2 AVM’s in Brain which has affected my vision also particle peripheral vision. 1 aaa am in left frontal lobe was treated with Gamma Knife Surgery in 2008. Some peripheral vision has returned. I also have some night vision difficulty especially at a distance.
    I would love to try Contacts specifically wearing one contact if that’s an option for me.
    I have dry eyes and allergies.
    However, my glasses have always given me headaches, esp since I have grandchildren ( babies) who always yeah my glasses.
    My eyelids have begun to droop the past year causing more vision difficulty.
    Suggestions please !?
    Thank you.
    Cindy Snell

    • Claire Rozeman says:

      Hi Cindy, We highly recommend scheduling an appointment with an optometrist as a first step. They might also refer you to an ophthalmologist who can assist if there are more significant problems. I’m sorry you’re experiencing these issues. We hope that a visit to one of our optometrists is helpful to you!

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